Natural Solutions for Busy Mamas

About amber



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hey, I’m amber bell!

Like you, I wear a lot of hats…not literally. I don’t literally wear hats very often at all, but I am a wife, mama of 4, graphic designer, natural homemaker, daughter, sister, friend and I do my best to have Christ at the center of it all.

Six years ago my second son was born and I made the transition from full-time graphic designer (and mom) to full-time mom. I continued some graphic design work when I was able, but the majority of my attention went directly to my two precious boys…and working on our fixer-upper house…and then having another baby...and then another! You know how life gets full and changes quickly! But, having worked full-time outside the home while being a mom and now working full-time at home, I’ve found they both have their list of pros and cons!

and they’re both challenging.

There’s simply a lot to juggle either way. And if you’re anything like I was, you may find yourself wanting to cry real tears when your alarm goes off in the morning.

Since that season of transition, I’ve learned a lot and made changes. I started a simple routine using Young Living’s essential oils, supplements and personal care products. Now it’s much easier to balance all that’s on my plate.

Now, I’m passionate about mamas establishing a routine that supports energy, good sleep and setting up a toxin-free home safe for the whole family. This can be done by using products that support long-term health instead of harm it, which is what most mainstream products do. It’s a simple solution to mom exhaustion and it works!

If you’ve ever found yourself desperate for more energy as you live this sweet mom-life, I would love to help! I share what I’ve learned in my training called The Simple Shift (more about that in a sec)!

could you use some help in this season too?

Natural support could be just around the corner! When I started with Young Living my first purchase was the Premium Starter Bundle. It’s the best way to get started. When you join Young Living with me I’ll walk you through every step of this natural journey in my exclusive training program called The Simple Shift. It’ll show you how to have success right away with essential oils and this natural lifestyle. It’s simple. Super simple. And you, sweet mama, need more simple in your life!

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 sweet and exhausted mama, You’re amazing!


have a heart for children in need?

Me too! I’m on a mission to help as many children living in poverty as possible through the amazing organization One Child. When you join Young Living with me, you’ll make a tangible difference in the life of a precious child.


thinking about joining Young Living with me?

I’m so excited because I know the goodness that’s in store for you! But with a baby in your arms and a toddler at your feet, in this busy season of life I know you need simple.

simple is what I’m all about! 
here’s how…

01. I’ll never ask you to leave home

Is your calendar bursting? Have you been invited to one too many (or twelve too many) home parties or classes? When you join me, everything comes to you! This way, you can stay exactly where you want to be—with your family.

02. You get My exclusive training

You’re always on the go and you can listen to my training as you continue going! My exclusive essential oils training is super simple and doable in the midst of busy life and it comes straight to your phone—via your inbox.

03. you’ll get results for the entire family

I know Young Living’s natural products will bless your whole family in so many ways! Not to mention, I’ll show you exactly how to setup a SAFE home for your little ones, which is so important to every mama.

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 Ready to check out Young living’s premium starter bundle?

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